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Such a lovely day!

Such a nice day to put out your washing. I've never been a fan of using a tumble dryer myself. Your clothes can potentially shrink, and your clothes never smell clean when they're dry afterwards either!

Let's face it, tumble dryers aren't the most energy efficient of things... Talk about using a load of energy to dry your clothes! If you're lucky enough to have one in your student house, why not dry your clothes outside when you have the gift of nice sunny weather? What's the point in using all that energy for something that isn't worth it?!

If you don't have a washing line, stick it on a clothes airer and pop it outside. It will dry much faster and you're less inclined to make your house susceptible to damp and mould, and we all know what a pain that can be! Yuk!

Think of the money and the energy you'll save! Go on pop your laundry outside, reduce your electricity bill and do your bit to reduce your carbon footprint!

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